Bali Ocean Days - A Conference & Showcase Celebrating Marine Conservation Values
The Sky Blue Sea Foundation has created an event for gathering and bridging diverse communities in support of the United Nations SDG # 14 'Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources'.
Our ambition is to walk the talk for the future of our Blue Planet, and invite public officials, financial institutions, sustainable economy stakeholders, conservation NGOs and academics to unite in a major public event and raise awareness for one of the most important environmental cause of our times.
The ocean connects us all, so be part of our movement, take action and join us in Bali!
Educate and Support Concrete Actions
Raise Awareness and Educate
Bali Ocean Days aims at raising awareness about the importance of the marine ecosystems and their critical role in sustaining life on earth. Our first goal is to deliver extensive and reliable information about the challenges facing our oceans.
Develop Networking And Initiate Collaborations
Bali Ocean Days is a meeting of public offices, private institutions and communities with a view to developing new synergies between these organizations and create opportunities for cross-team collaboration on long term projects.
Promote Sustainable Organizations And Practices
We propose a conference and an ecotrade show to promote conservation leaders, while encouraging consumers to prioritize their products and services and develop ecological practices in their daily lives.
Explore Our Program and Book Your Ticket Online